A few of my favorite things!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

My Precious Little Man...

I just wanted to introduce you to my precious little man... Dusty... whom we also refer to as "Roscoe" when he is being rowdy! I LOVE HIM!

Another Year Gone!

Wow, I am just blown away with the thought of this year being gone already! It was the biggest yet for Georgia Jewels... very exciting and demanding all at the same time. All I have to do is think about getting taxes and inventory done and I just want to crawl into a cave and paint on the walls! I HATE that.
It's been a very busy December. We've had the unexpected task and blessing to take in a Russian orphan for a month.
We found out about the opportunity one day and she arrived the next. She has numerous medical conditions and so we have spent the past two and a half weeks taking her to doctors. It has stretched us but it is just a blessing to be God's hands and feet to her right now!
I just want to thank all my wonderful customers and encouragers. I am not sure what the next year holds for Georgia right now but we'll see where God takes it. With the arrival of our second adopted one this summer... I don't know how I'll be able to do it anymore... we'll see... we are waiting for guidance!
Anyway, for now, I am selling beads on my site and have some wonderful customers. Maybe when the dust clears... I'll start making wonderful things again!
Happy New Year and Many Blessings to you all!!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Happy Birthday Baby!

My precious husband had a birthday this week and we celebrate our 8th anniversary next week! We've been together 15 years and our love continues to grow and deepen... way cool! So I was taking pics on my wedding album for the linen as a back drop and there we were in the background. So I used them on my etsy site and showed him this morning.... he was so cute as he smiled a precious smile and kissed me! OK... enough already.

I managed to get to pilates and make a few pieces and get them posted... and have lunch with my daughter at school! Yeah... day two of new goal accomplished! Still have a load of laundry for tonight and "Oceans 13" to watch!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Finding Balance

Ok, trying to balance life lately is a chore in itself! I have been trying to streamline my time on etsy so I can actually get other things done! I am trying a new thing now... well... today is day 1.

My new approach is to spend time in the morning, after taking Abby to school, to make three pieces and photograph them and then download them into my shop. Then I will try and just spend 15 minutes in the forums and treasury and favorites. SO... day one has worked and I am off to get some errands taken care of before Abby comes home from school!
Now what am I going to do when I have Pilates on Thursday morning and 2 hour bible study on Friday morning... will think of alternate plan for those days!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Yeah... we got our tree tonight! I have the hardest time picking a tree bc I want them all! And I battle a sadness in my heart that so many are cut down to be used for just a month... ughhhh. I went fake for about two years from this very sadness and then longed for the smell of the real one... and no the spray doesn't work!

Got some more items on etsy today. I am LOVING these amazing yellow jade bracelets! If only I could just keep everything I make! I also got a special order out in the mail and some adoption paperwork done! Another productive day!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Productive Day!

Yeah! I got many things photographed today and several posted. I'll post about 5 more each day for a while. I also got some great feedback from some fellow etsians about my site. One girl told me how to add words to my banner and another taught me the importance of using all 14 tags for each item. I always just tried to give the simple and basic ones. Now I just have to find time to go back and add tags to all my posted items... or many of them anyway!
Next, I am waiting for my moo stickers to arrive to make my gift certificates and some postcards!
They should be here any day... I love waiting for presents in the mail! So if you're still trying to think of things for Christmas... BUY HANDMADE! It's the gift that carries the most love!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving is past and Christmas time is here!

What a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and break I had last week! Tomorrow I will be back to balancing laundry, phone calls, house work, photographing jewelry (hopefully we'll have a couple minutes of sunshine), and downloading it all onto my etsy site. I also have to get ready for an upcoming show and try to decide if I have enough time to whip up an open house...whewww. Add in a few hours of adoption paperwork, making more new jewelry pieces, Christmas shopping and addressing Christmas cards... there is a day in my life!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

No SHOW tomorrow

My poor daugher fell onto a fence post, off the side of the deck, Saturday evening and got pretty busticated. My heart is just broken for her as she suffers a pretty awful and painful injury. So, no show tomorrow, no school for her, and we have to find a donut for the plane and car ride to Winchester on Tuesday.

There is nothing more painful than to see your precious little one in pain. ughhh

Friday, November 16, 2007

Great Sale Today

Yesterday, my biggest client right now called and exclaimed that she had just sold 10 pieces that day and needed more... tomorrow!
So after Bible study, and Abby's Thanksgiving program, and a stop at Starbucks... we headed to Newnan with the goods. She bought about 70% of what I took! Yeah... I just love her to pieces and I love the fact she buys all my favorite pieces!
Bad part of this wonderful story... I have a show Monday and NO stuff! I will be very, very, very, very BUSY the next 48 hours!!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

My newest addition... my new jewelry blog site.
Welcome to "My Georgia Jewels".

I have been trying to upload a slide show and it's not working for me. So here is just a small peek and the cutest daisey ever!

It's after midnight and so I must go to bed.

I'll be back tomorrow with more!

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